

Vaccinations and deferral periods

Anthrax - if well

BCG - 8 weeks and until healed

Botulism - if well

Cholera - if well

Diphtheria - if well

Influenza - if well

Hepatitis A - if well and no exposure.

Hepatitis B - 4 weeks, 4 months if the vaccine was received post exposure - e.g.: human bite, blood splash, or needle stick injury

If you have received Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin (HBIG) following a known exposure to hepatitis B, you must wait 12 months before donating.

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) - if well

Japanese Encephalitis - if well

Measles, Mumps, Rubella, (MMR) - 8 weeks if well

Pneumococcal - if well

Polio (oral) - 8 weeks if well

Polio (by injection) - if well

Rabies - if well

Rubella  - 8 weeks

Smallpox - 8 weeks

Tetanus - if well if given as a vaccination i.e. pre travel ¦ Defer for 4 weeks if immunoglobulin was given i.e. administered due to injury

Tick-borne Encephalitis - if well

Tuberculin (TB) Await test results

Typhoid (oral) - 8 weeks

Typhoid (injection) - if well

Varicella (Chickenpox) - 8 weeks

Yellow Fever - 8 weeks

Covid-19 Vaccinations

Donors who have had a HPRA approved Covid-19 vaccination such as the Pfizer / BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson/Janssen or Astra Zeneca vaccines, must wait 48 hours after receiving the vaccine (any dose, including boosters) before they can donate, so long as they are feeling well and asymptomatic.